The Rhythm is Gonna Get You

I always knew there was such wisdom behind Gloria Estefan’s 1987 hit. Little did I know it would apply to navigating life in my early thirties. I’ve had a hard time finding a rhythm to life in the last few months, it could have something to do with the fact that the world as we knew it got turned on its head, but who knows.

In the last few weeks, I’ve noticed some red flags, signalling something’s off: bad sleep, fatigue, irritability, loss of motivation, overwhelm, poor eating, etc. I realized that I hadn’t been very intentional about my day to day activities. Did I get stuff done? Yes. Did I show up well for clients? Yes. Did the world keep turning? Yes. But, I felt like I was spinning my wheels.

I started my wonderful business in October 2019. We moved into our current home that December. We continued renovations, business, and life then the pandemic hit and the rhythm we were establishing was thrown for a loop. I’m sure you have a similar story. It’s unsettling on a deep level, to say the least.

I’m a huge fan of routines. Having a routine allows your brain to make fewer decisions and focus on other things rather than “oh, what do I do next?”. I can (and will) make a routine of any scenario I can. When I think of the rhythm of life, I think of all my routines, appointments, and activities laid out like sheet music...and if that’s the case, the last few months have a broken music box. 

To remedy this, I’ve been more intentional about not only my day but how my whole month is planned out. At the end of the month, I glance at what’s ahead for the next month. I think about goals I want to accomplish, check in with how current goals are working, and what’s not working. I then have mini check-ins on Sunday evening for the week ahead. I plan my social media content, our meals, activities Remy & I will do, etc. This helps me to fill in the gaps, see what else needs planned, and even schedule a nap or two for myself. 

It’s not a perfect solution yet but it’s helped me to feel more in tune with the rhythm of life. Like I actually have some control over the cadence of my week.  My sleep has improved, my mood has improved, my eating habits have improved, and I feel less overwhelmed. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, set aside a few minutes plan the weekend or even the following week. Here are a few questions to guide you:

  1. What appointments do you already have set? 

  2. Who do you need to call? 

  3. What day can you go to the store?

  4. What day can you take it easy?

  5. What’s something fun to do next week?

I hope this helps you feel less overwhelmed and on your way to creating a smooth rhythm for your life!

What’s a song that always does the trick when you’re feeling overwhelmed? 

Mine is “Dancing with Myself” by Billy Idol.


Control the Controllables